Ciambs21 is a young italian artist, born and raised in the city of naples in the 07/14/2001,
born to be a ”product of his environment” always got distinguished for his particular way to see the world, loving art from when he was a kid, never got to do it, it was a far away dream, too impossible to achieve, but growing up and changing his way to see the world, less romanticized and more materialist, Ciambs started his journey in art.
”As a newborn artist i deeply wanted to compare myself with the big ones, so i decided to start with realistic portraits, i always thought that in all things, you need to learn the technique before and then you can do whatever you want.
i always saw art, and looking at it, i was able to perceive the beautiful behind it, but i never thought to be able to eviscerate the beautiful, using it at my service.
i portray people, but people who’s never born, who dont exist, they are more ”emotions” than individual human beings, i love to use the fLowers, they express the transience of life, in them you can perfectly see the cycle of life and all the colors that a human can perceive, for me, fLowers are the essence of everything, older than us, and probably the only one that will remain, here.”